FERROCARBO Sp. z o.o. has accreditation for sampling:
- aggregates according to PN-EN 932-1:1999
- filling aggregates according to PN-EN 932-1:1999
- unbound and hydraulically bound mixtures according to PN-EN 932-1:1999
- ceramic masonry elements according to the following standards:
– PN-EN 771-1+A1:2015-10 Annex A
– PN-EN 771-1+A1:2015-10/Ap1:2018-08
- ventilation ceramic bricks according to PN-B-12014:2009
- solid fuels - hard coal according to PN-G-04502:2014-11 p. 5.3.3; 5.3.4; 5.3.5; 5.3.6
- solid biofuels according to PN-ISO 18135:2017-06 p.
- solid recovered fuels according to PN-EN ISO 21645:2021-09
- waste with the codes: 03 03 05; 03 03 07; 03 03 10; 19 12 10; 19 12 12 according to PN-EN ISO 21645:2021-09
At the Client's request, we also carry out non-accredited sampling:
- refractory materials according to PN-EN ISO 1927-2:2013-06
- concrete mixes according to PN-EN 12350-1:2019-07
- cements, binders wg normy PN-EN 196-7:2009
Correct sampling is the most important element of the testing process, which often determines the result of subsequent tests. The selection of an appropriate sampling method depends on many factors, including the type of material tested, amount of material or sampling location.
FERROCARBO Sp. z o. o. carries out sampling in order to:
- assess the quality of raw materials and products (taking from heaps, cars, wagons and ships)
- deposit documentation of natural and waste materials (boreholes and geological documentation of the deposit)
- supervise the quality of produced and/or used solid fuels, solid biofuels and solid recovered fuels.